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A Story of Loss, Healing, and Strength

The intake department at Catholic Charities Diocese of Fresno (CCDOF) serves numerous clients every day. This story is one of those that sticks with you and touches your heart. CCDOF first came to learn about this family through another member of an organization in Fresno County. This family consists of a single mother with six children, and unfortunately, she lost her youngest child this past summer.

Intake was notified to contact the client and find out how they could be assisted. The client expressed her stress and obstacles following her loss. It was a sensitive time to initiate any service right away because the funeral services were occurring. The client was informed of the services that could assist her and her family. Information was given for the utility, rent assistance program, CalFresh program, and food and clothing vouchers. The client was grateful for the entire call and felt comfortable reaching out once she was ready and had the time.

After several weeks, the client contacted the intake department to follow-up on the services. The client came into the office and was assisted with her with a CalFresh application, rental assistance, food, clothing, and DMV vouchers for her entire family. The client was extremely grateful for all the services offered during this rough time in their lives.

Intake did a follow-up with the client to check the status of her CalFresh. The client expressed immense gratitude that she was approved for CalFresh benefits. She felt that a bit of a weight was lifted off her shoulder by being able to feed her entire family during this difficult time. Since this follow-up, intake was able to connect her with different organizations that were able to help her.

During Christmas, CCDOF has a program called Adopt a Family for Christmas. This program runs by donors who purchase gifts for families in need. Intake contacted the client and signed her entire family up for this program. Days before Christmas the client’s family came to the office and picked up the gifts. Despite a rough time not only mentally, physically, and financially, the client wanted to thank the intake/CalFresh specialist by giving her a Christmas gift and thanking her for always thinking about her family.

This story touched various individuals here at CCDOF. It was a reminder of how a woman, a mother, and a human can go through loss and healing yet show immense strength through it all. Being part of the intake department as a CFO specialist has given staff and volunteers tremendous insight and skills about the community of Fresno County.

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