CalFresh Waiver Extensions
Please be aware that the following two waivers due to the Public Health Emergency have been extended until December 31, 2022: waiver of...
CalFresh Waiver Extensions
FFY 2023 Income Inserts
Cost of Living Adjustments (COLAs) for FFY23
September Emergency Allotments
Adding Infants to CalFresh Households
EBT System Changes re: Unused Benefits
July CalFresh Emergency Allotments
EBT Card CVV Enablement and Card Replacement
CalFresh Waiver Extensions
June CalFresh Emergency Allotments
May CalFresh Emergency Allotments
April CalFresh Emergency Allotments
CalFresh Waiver Extensions
March CalFresh Emergency Allotments
CalFresh Electronic Signature Requirements
February CalFresh Emergency Allotments
ESAP Households: Changes in SAR 7 Requirements
SSI/SSP CalFresh Cost of Living Adjustments
January CalFresh Emergency Allotments
CalFresh Waiver Extensions